Creative Director
Karo Duro fuses art and technology to craft emotive bodies of work that invite connection and introspection. Her work ranges from visual art pieces that are displayed in traditional gallery settings to her more "experiential" exhibitions and public art installations that integrate visual art and evocative storytelling with multi-sensory design and immersive technologies.

Karo Duro was born in Nigeria, raised in Ireland, and is now based in the United States. She studied Computer Science at Georgia State University then later studied Extended Reality and at MIT.
Her work has circulated around notable spheres both locally and globally including Google Arts and Culture, Atlanta Mayor's Office for Cultural Affairs, Fulton County Public Arts, The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, Carnegie Hall in New York, United Nations in Geneva, and the Desiderio Gallery in Vienna.

Karo Duro with her artwork "Wanted" on the cover of the Black Scholar Journal. Photographed by Aurora Knights.